The Assistant Principal Avionics Inspector serves as a full assistant to a Principal Avionics Inspector performing the full range of certification, surveillance and inspection duties for assigned air carriers, air operators, air agencies, airmen, and designees. Has program responsibility to assure that assigned organizations meet Federal Aviation Regulations with respect to maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs.
Assures on a continuing basis that facilities are properly and adequately organized, staffed, and equipped; have and conduct an adequate training program, including an acceptable record keeping system; and have facilities and procedures that meet all regulatory requirements. Chairs joint FAA-industry meetings; maintains regular contact with organizations assigned; and coordinates with top management officials. Requires or directs correction of any deficiencies/discrepancies and refuses or withdraws approval if they cannot be resolved.
Develops maintenance program requirements through participation on Maintenance Review Boards. Coordinates Minimum Equipment List (MEL) approvals with the principal operations inspector. Takes enforcement action in
instances of noncompliance with the MEL.
Evaluates requests to operate under conditions not previously specified in the maintenance portion of the operations specifications and approves or disapproves. requests and provides additional conditions and limitations as needed.
Directs the inspection and surveillance of the air carriers continuous airworthiness maintenance program. Monitors all phases of the air carriers maintenance operation, including the following: maintenance, engineering quality control, production control, training, and reliability programs. Analyzes trends to detect. a deterioration in the maintenance program.
Analyzes reports submitted by the air carrier to ensure compliance with the maintenance program and assures the air carrier has an effective continuing analysis and surveillance program to meet the requirements of the FARs.